Introduction Mr Yu Shu-Huai established Hai Yang Cultural Arts & Development Centre in 1996, with the mission of promoting Chinese cultural arts and dance in Singapore community. Under the dedicated leadership and professional tutelage of Mr Yu Shu-Huai, the centre has trained and groomed many children, teenagers and adults through the participation of dance performances and dance competitions in the communities, schools, charity events, cultural exchanges locally and overseas, winning many awards and recognition for the participants and the schools and organizations involved. Our centre conducts courses at school CCA’s and Community Centres. These courses are: Ballet (Royal Academy of Dance syllabus), Modern Dance and Chinese Dance, for children, youth and adults. | ||
The centre has a team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers who provide strict, systematic and professional training, achieving results that is recognized and appreciated by the students and the parents alike. 中心简介 一如既往,不遗余力地弘扬推广精湛的华族艺术文化,普及推广华族舞蹈是本中心秉持的宗旨;以舞蹈是一种文化, 培养民众高雅气质,提高民众生活情趣,改善民众的生活质量为最终理念,为提升国民素质尽微薄之力。 本中心成立多年,由资深的中国舞蹈专业老师于树淮组建,严格施教与管理。在于老师领导下,一支高素质,编导、 教学经验丰富,优秀的舞蹈专业老师队伍,遵循严谨、科学的教学法教课。 中心属下老师们积极地在全岛各个大、 中、小学里任教,培养出一支支出色的舞蹈团队。团队除了参与多项国内、国际文化艺术交流也多次参与马来西亚, 韩国(首尔),澳洲等国际舞蹈大赛,获得最高奖项;在各公、私团体组织如,新传媒电视台,教育部SYF, 胡姬花赛等等所举办的舞蹈竞赛中频频获得冠军,硕果累累。 除了驻校任教,本中心亦在社区,联络所开班授课:教授少儿,成人华族舞蹈,芭蕾舞(RAD)课程。 多年来为RAD级别考试输送了一批批考生,考获优异成绩; 培养出许多优秀舞蹈人才,并在2004年澳洲芭蕾舞比赛 中荣获少年组冠军。 |
多年来这些班级积累和排练出不少优秀节目, 积极参与国内外文化艺术交流和受邀在社区,各公、私机关,
本中心的老师们具有专业操守,教学认真,敬业;特别是多年来在各个任教学校所参与的SYF 大赛中均取得
有目共睹因此广受社会人士、学生家长和学员们的肯定与高度的好评 。